Friday, April 17, 2009

God Is With Us... In Our Confusion

Being a teen can be a confusing time. There are lots of big decisions looming in your future. You're trying to figure out who you are and what God wants you to be. On top of all this, friends move away, people get cancer, parents divorce and there seems to be bad news happening all over the world. God seems far away when so much is happening that we don't understand. Sometimes when we ask "why?" God shows us the answer clearly. Other times, he simply lets us know that he still loves us, but it is not for us to know all his reasons. It's hard to not get the answers we want, but God knows best, and sometimes we have to just rest in that.

When faced with bewildering circumstances we are tempted to ask "Why?" But a better question to ask is "What?.. What do you have in mid now, Lord? Though it may sometimes seem that things are out of control, we can take comfort in God's enduring promises and constant presence.

We'e all experienced doubts about God. We may wonder, Is God real? Is he fair? Does he care? Having a case of doubts doesn't mean you're a bad person. It just means you need something to boost your belief system. After all, being a Christian is all about believing what other's don't.



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