Thursday, March 5, 2009

When God is Silent

Have you ever experienced that God seems so silent? When you ask directions, he's not responding? When you have physical illness and you pray that He will heal you there's no answer? When your kids are in the wrong path then you plead to light them up, still no answer? How do you respond to that situation? Do you respond by thinking that God is not interested or He's distant from you? or God doesn't care for you? Does God have a purpose for that? Ye, indeed. Then, how do you respond?

It was monday morning when I began to worry about my tuition fee in school. Enrollment will end on friday. I asked my dad to give me the money for my tuition fee, I need a php 15,000 for a down payment but my dad don't have that big money in a snap! So he told me to wait but It made me worry... I prayed to God "Lord, I'm praying before you to help me in my studies... I know your there listening and I trust in you". Tuesday came, still don't have the money. Wednesday... I went to school to talk to the business office if it is okay to get enrolled and pay the 15,000 later but she said no... Thursday... I prayed again to God about my situation but no answer... Now, its friday... last day of enrollment, my dad still didn't provide the money and I begin to cry... in the last hour of the enrollment my sister who lives in Florida called at home and said Have you been to school? Are you enrolled? I said no. Then she said get a paper and a ballpen and write this numbers. It was a no. to get the money from the western union. I was so happy and hurriedly went to school to enroll myself. Trusting God is what we should do if God is silent to us.

Sometimes God is silent but He's not silent all the time. Then, what is God's silent all about? Have you been angry with God or discomforted if he doesn't show the way to you? God's silent is very good for us. Silent time is silent God's preparation. What are the reasons for God's silence? One is... God wants to get our attention. He wants us to pray and talk to him because we have given Him less time. Second is God wants us to confessed our sins. God wants us to realized that we have done something to Him.

Third is we are not ready to listen to him. Fourth is He's teaching us to trust Him. When God is silent, can you trust him? Despite that silence, God wants us to trust him deeply. Fifth is... God is teaching us to distinguish His voice from others. He's voice is far more clearer than others. Lastly, He's bringing us to a deeper understanding by praying down the wall. God wants us to keep praying. You don't quit because his silent, right? By continually talking to God, you might break that silence with God.

Do you been excited being quiet with Him? Can you trust being with his presence? How do we respond when He's quiet? Remember, if a person who never kneels before God has a problem. Some people respond by being guilty. They feel that God is displeased with them and God is shutting the heavens. Some have this feeling of being separated and fear. Has God deserted? Then, what is the best way to respond to God when He's silent? How should we respond? Then, ask God why... God won't punish you if you ask why he's silent. It doesn't bother Him. Secondly, remember that his silence doesn't mean that He's inactive. God is not a God in demand. When God is not silent he is listening to your prayer and his doing something about it. If he's silent just trust quietly with Him and anticipate a more intimate relationship with God.

God is silent because he wants god to be silent. Respect Him when he chooses to be silent. Lastly, continue reading the word of God. Continually talking with God breaks the silence. Always remember that when God is silent He's up to an intimate relationship from you.



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